KUW Insights Podcast

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Ade Ojomo Season 2 Episode 21

Welcome to the KUW Insight Podcast. Today’s insight is titled The Good, The Bad, The Ugly written by Ade Ojomo and read by Dr Zoe Ekundare

  1. Are you a good person?
  2. What are the characteristics of a good person?
  3. What standard are you basing your assessment on?


Welcome to the KUW Insight Podcast. Today’s insight is titled The Good, The Bad, The Ugly written by Ade Ojomo and read by Dr Zoe Ekundare

Over the weekend, I gave my Jewish friend a lift to our weekly cricket match, and we engaged in a conversation about Jesus. The conversation got very intellectual which is not surprising as he has a PhD in Philosophy. 

I highlighted to him that my belief system in Christ was not based on intellect, emotions, or the will but on being led by the Holy Spirit. I further highlighted some other key aspects concerning the existence of a heaven and a hell as a final location for mankind driven by the choices that we make on earth

After describing my own understanding of the environmental make up of each of these locations; he said that he is a good person and that surely God is kind and would not let good people reside in hell. 

I borrowed the technique adopted by Kirk Cameron who is a co-presenter on the program – The Way and asked if he had lied in the past week – Yes; looked at another woman to covet – No; I explained to him that it was impossible to be a good person without the power of our Lord Jesus Christ as confirmed in Mark 10 v 17 – 18:

As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

True goodness is the prerogative of God. He alone is the ultimate standard of goodness. No one can be saved based on his or her own achievements. It cannot be earned as it is a gift from God. 

I concluded our conversation by advising him that true repentance of our sins is the way to receive the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. I prayed that God would touch his heart from what he has heard.

By the way we won the cricket match – Praise the Lord!

Goodbye and until the next KUW Insight, 

Shalom – Love Never Fails