KUW Insights Podcast

God Loves Donald Trump, Too

Ade Ojomo Season 2 Episode 15

Welcome to the KUW Insight Podcast. Today’s insight is titled God, Loves Donald Trump Too! written by Ade Ojomo and read by Tinuke Akinbulumo:

1.    How are rich people viewed when it comes to church?

2.    How are poor people viewed when it comes to church?

3.    In church, is preferential treatment given to the rich in comparison to the poor?

Welcome to the KUW Insight Podcast. Today’s insight is titled God, Loves Donald Trump Too! written by Ade Ojomo and read by Tinuke Akinbulumo:

1.    How are rich people viewed when it comes to church?

2.    How are poor people viewed when it comes to church?

3.    In church, is preferential treatment given to the rich in comparison to the poor?

There seems to be a general perception that rich people do not need help because they have all the money, comfort and glamorous lifestyle. In my opinion, this perception is not entirely accurate and as worldly view.

Jesus does not operate based on the perception of the world; he operates from a spiritual point of view, even though he was physically on earth. He knew where his trust should be at all times; he did nothing or said nothing without consulting the heavenly headquarters.

If a wretched-looking man walked into a revival meeting, people will immediately feel compassion for him and assume that God wants to transform his life. But if a rich man dressed in designer gear enters the same meeting, very few people will believe that God wants to meet his needs in the same urgent way.

This perception is one of the key drivers for the debate on whether a Pastor should engage in full-time or part- time ministry. We tend to think that only things done in the church are spiritual, when quite frankly the marketplace is where the majority of spiritual activity is happening. 

This can be attributed to the massive offensive that the enemy has launched in places like Wall Street and the Square Mile to prevent the people working there from knowing God. The enemy is not stupid; he knows the scope of collateral damage is less effective in certain places e.g. church. Our duty is to:

1.    Take the presence of God into the marketplace and remove the notion that only poor people require salvation. 

2.    Do not give preferential treatment to people of wealth and status, and look down on people who do not meet this standard. 

3.    The Rich and the Poor should all  – serve God in spirit and truth, and obey His commandments as he is not a respecter of persons.


Goodbye and until the next KUW Insight, 

Shalom – Love Never Fails